Log In

Please log in to access the Purchase Community House Online Registration.
Please note: We have recently moved transaction web pages from purchasehouse.com to purchasehouse.org. Passwords were not changed, but passwords may not autopopulate since this is a new domain. You may have to enter your email address and password manually for your first transaction.

Email Address:


Need a password?

If we have your email on file but you have never logged in (or have lost your password), please enter your email address below and we will email you a temporary password.

Email Address:

If you are having trouble logging in, or are new to our community and not in our online system, please email the PCH at office@purchasehouse.com with your family's last name, physical address, and the names, grades and birthdates of your children. We will then put you in our system and contact you when completed. Also, feel free to call the PCH office at (914)949-2636 and we would be happy to assist you.